

Under Appreciated Horror Authors #9 - David Wellington

David Wellington first gained notice with his online serialization of the Monster Island, a unique spin on the zombie tale. New York City has been overtaken by the undead. A United Nations employee and a group of soldiers must enter the city to find AIDS medication for a warlord who has kidnapped his daughter. Along the way one of the undead discovers he has retained strong mental capacity and can control the other zombies. All hell breaks loose.
Two more novels followed, both also serialized online.

David then tackled vampires with Thirteen Bullets. In a world where vampires are thought to be wiped out, one emerges in rural Pennsylvania and State Trooper Laura Caxton. She is slowly let in on the hunt by the best vamp killer in the US, Special Agent Jameson Arkley.

Three more sequels have followed.

The werewolf genre was next in line for the writer. With Frostbite the setting is the upper Canadian wilderness. Again, werewolves are known to exist but are rare. Cheyene Clark has come to find a wolf. She gets attacked, which gives her the curse. Then meets the man beast which turns her.
So far one other novel has followed.

I have read the first book in each of these series. All are outstanding. Wellington adds new twist to the old myths. His characters are feel like real people. I highly recommend any of these as a good starting place.

Notable Novels

Zombie Trilogy
Monster Island
Monster Island: A Zombie Novel

Monster Nation
Monster Planet

Vampire Series
Thirteen Bullets
13 Bullets

99 Coffins
Vampire Zero
23 Hours

Werewolf Series
Frostbite: A Werewolf Tale


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