

Horror Movies Watched and Books Read (June 2011)


Venus In Furs (1969) **1/2
A stylish Jean Rollin movie about a woman, who may just be a ghost, and holds a trance over a man. Like most of the director's movies, much wont make sense, but it certainly captivates the viewer.

Dracula (1979) ***
This version is beautifully crafted and pits Frank Langella as Dracula against Donald Pleasence as Van Helsing. A must see for Drac fans.

I Saw the Devil
I Saw the Devil (2010) ****1/2
A grizzly cat and mouse Korean flick about a serial killer who kills the wife of a detective, who then sets out for revenge.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Undead (2009) ***
An out of work playwright lands a job in a small theater directing Hamlet. The theater is ran by an eccentric. It turns out he's the original Horatio and several cast members are vampires. The movie rides a line of comedy and horror but falls closer to comedy. Still a worthy watch.

Philosophy of the Knife (2008) incomplete
At nearly 4 hours long, I couldn't make it through and turned off at the two hour mark. It's part documentary and part film about the human experiments Japan did during WWII.

Troll Hunter
Troll Hunter (2010) ****
Two students start out filming a bear hunt but they get sidetracked when they find out one of the hunters actually kills trolls. The students quickly learn this is no joke and follow the hunter on his expeditions.

The Rite (2011) **1/2
A young priest goes to exorcism school and shadows a veteran priest on a case of possession. Weird things happen. Nothing you haven't seen before. However Anthony Hopkins makes it worth a watch.

Red White & Blue
Red, White, and Blue (2010) ****
A story about a woman who uses sex to hurt men, a guy who stays at the same boarding house as her which she wont have sex with, and one her conquests. A twisted, deep tale that I dont want to give away. A slow burn movie with a nasty ending.

NOROI THE CURSE - Korean Thriller Horror movie DVD (English subtitled)
Noroi: The Curse (2005) ****
This documentary style movie from Japan follows a man who investigates the paranormal. He stumbles upon several strange cases that seem to be linked by a demonic possession and tries to solve the mystery. This is a very creepy flick. Find it, watch it, and be impressed.

High Lane (2009) **
A group of friends go mountain climbing and run into a crazy man who wants to kill them all. Very cliche, though the mountainous scenery is amazing.

Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter (2001) *
Some flicks you know will be bad going into it. But at 1am with a buzz you dont really want to watch anything too heavy. The title has all you need to know combined with lots of martial arts. A stinker for sure.

Sella Turcica (2010) **
A soldier comes home from Iraq in terrible shape. Mentally is distant and physically he's falling apart. Top notch gore and good story cant save this from just being too boring. Nearly just 90 minutes of talking and thin characters before it finally explodes at the end.

Living Hell (2004) ***
Now this is one which keeps you guessing till the end. It's over the top, but in a good way. An old woman and her granddaughter come to stay

Husk (2010)**
A car full of college students encounter a breakdown in the middle of nowhere. They find a house surrounded by corn with scarecrows posted all around. Too bad they dont realize the the real secret the farmhouse holds.

Durham County, Season 1 (2007) ***1/2
A high strung homicide detective moves back to home town after his partner gets murdered and his wife recovers from cancer. He's thrown right in the middle of a serial killing case, where he believes the lead suspect is his next door neighbor. A nice twist on some usual themes and the line between the good guys and bad guys aren't so different.

Sanctuary, Season (20110) ***
The series still combines elements of horror in its steampunk style setting. This season saw the cast escape from Middle Earth and end up on the verge of an uprising of Middle Earth dwellers. The saw still manages to peak my interest.

Seconds Apart (2011) **1/2
Twins with telepathy and mind control abilities start making movies of classmates killing themselves. Soon a girl comes between them and brothers battle it out. All while a detective tries to piece the puzzle together.

The Living and the Dead (2006) ***
A man must leave his grand estate to find work. He leaves behind his severely ill wide and mentally challenged son. While away the son thinks he should be the man of the house and barricades them in the mansion. Then the fun really begins. Slow, stylish, and strange makes for an interesting flick.


Hellboy vol. 4, The Chained Coffin and More ****
A nice series of unlinked tales surround Hellboy.

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