

The Kimmel Blogging Network

Once again, I've been silent on my main blog for too long. I do have a few posts waiting in the wings though. Just need to find time to write them. It's coming in the next few days.

In the meantime, I've decided to link all my other blogs to the main site. Tabs are located at the top. A person can find links for my horror review blog, Fringes of Horror; a wrestling blog by myself and a few others, 7 Strong Style Assholes; and my latest adventure a blog about craft beer happenings in Northeast Indiana called Fort Wayne Beer News.

I've got my own little network and now I need to come up with content since Fringes is the only one which gets regularly. Come along for the ride and expects changes and updates soon.

Creative Commons License
Observations of an Illogical Mind by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Please feel free to share the link but contact me for any other uses or publication. Thanks.

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